Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Interesting to know something about breathing. My wife is submitting a thesis on breathing. She had done some experiments on how deep breathing helps in improving the coupling of heart and lungs. She explained some fundas like amount of air we intake per minute, how it is related to respiratory rate and intake capacity. There is a cool formula.

TV * RR = MV

Here TV is tidal volume, RR -> respiratory rate and MV is minute volume. TV is how much air we inspire in one breath. RR mentions how many times we inspire per minute. Multiplying these two numbers, we get the total volume of air we intake per minute; this MV is required for our body. The breathing system works efficiently when the TV is increased and RR is reduced; in other words, we should fetch maximum air during each breath and also reduce the number of intake. That way the organs involved in these operations will be used less and effectively.

While understanding this, I was able to relate to a familiar concepts in computer networking. When we have a greater than 2 tier architecture, typically we have clients and server. The clients keep pinging the server to retrieve data. The network efficiency is achieved by reducing the number of round trip to the server and by increasing the data transfer in each trip.

Awesome similarities.

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