Monday, February 26, 2007

Mangalik or non-Mangalik

Today's lunch discussion went around marriage practise, something similar to the horoscope discussion we had earlier. There were many explanation given for topics like gothra, mangalik etc. Mangalik stuff happened to be discussed actively.

Looks like mangalik can be nullified by spending money for doing so. That is how a magnanimous movie star was able negate her mangalik. Is that conversion from mangalik to non-mangalik so costly for commoners to follow it? Why should cream layer of society be given that allowance and general public have to go through the hard life of being a mangalik forever?

Are you wondering what kind of hardship a girl of mangalik clan has to face? Well, she is an unwanted person in the matrimonial market. The rule says that a girl with mangalik should marry only a mangalik boy. I was looking in the net if the converse is true, however I didnt find any statement about the mangalik boy. In practise, even the mangalik boy doesnot prefer a mangalik.

In the horoscope text, mangalik is a concept discussing about suitability of bride and groom. However the reality is that the word mangalik had become a bad omen. Due to this, there are many cases where the girls do not get married at all. What a cruelty!! It is totally inhuman to deprive a basic need of life.

Let us assume that the people are aware about the meaning of mangalik factor. Even then it is a big setback for the girl. She doesn't have a free choice of profiles. She has to match her groom based caste, family status, earning capacity, expectations, family background and apart from matching all these, the mangalik factor should also match. The choice available to her shrink to one tenth in comparison with a lucky non-mangalik girl.

This is a severe discrimination not only against mangalik and non-mangalik, but also a great divide between haves and have nots.

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