Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kural 6

I used to read a page from my Kural book. Trying to make it a daily habit. (I remember my grandpa used to do that). Thought I can share 1 kural out of 10 each day. It would be a random one among the 10.
The thing I like in Kural is the abundant wisdom packed in a concise format. Apart from this, we will be able to pick up a subtle message or context out of it. It would be a new dimension to look upon and enjoy. Let me try to show such cases here.

The first chapter is devoted to the god. The sixth couplet talks about virtue and abstainism. May be interpreted as a definition of god, one who has control over the senses and with pure virtue; folks who adapt god's path will have a great life.
Another way to look at this kural is, one who controls the senses and leads a virtuous life will enjoy a prolonged joyous life.

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