Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Handling washing machine outlet

The outlet of washing machine machine is supposed to be let out through the drain pipe - either loosely placed or properly fit into the drain. However, if we happen to place the machine outside the bathroom, we end up without having proper exhaust for the dirty water. We end up throwing the pipe into the near by wash basin.

One problem with this is the retractory force of water and the outlet pipe gets dislocated. The water floods the room. Tying the pipe to the tap or other object doesn't give a convenient solution. Here is an alternate way that works. Tighten a t-connection pipe at the end of the outlet (see photo).

This solves the problem as the water is split between the two ends of the T. Also the metallic T is heavy enough to hold the pipe close to the bottom of the basin sink.

1 comment:

TL said...

Neat idea. Good to know that you dont need a complicated software to solve all the problems.