Friday, October 26, 2007

Slim inbox

My inbox has single digit emails! I try to maintain it below five. I keep the mails that are relevant to my immediate work. So, only two or three mails end up in this category. There are couple of todo items or to be read mails. They stay in the box.

Daily morning I receive around 30 to 40 mails (unsubscribed from unwanted lists). Before reading those mails, I will scan the titles and pick the mails which I dont have to read. That would shrink my new mail list about 15. Out of these 15 mails, 10 would be general info which I would have to scan through and delete. Some of these scanable mails are pretty nice - by reading the subject, I know that I can delete it; so I will delete and start reading, I read till the mail is visible.

The remaining 5 mails might be addressing me to influence my day work. Most of these mails ought to be digested and followed as per the guidelines. One or two might have to be preserved for reference. If I have to preserve them, I will see if I can delete mails from the previous day's stagnant mails (less than 10). Some mails ought to be retained for future requirement, and hence they deserve to be placed in a separate folder.

Having few mails make work simple. Reduces lots of unnecessary searches. If at all searches are to be done, it will be only in the trash :-)

1 comment:

Pri said...

in short, do u want to say that NOBODY MAILS U ??! :p