Monday, December 04, 2006

Movie review : Barnyard

First let us go through this story template.
Father is very brave, heroic, has noble values, protects the citizens. Father wants his son to gain skills and take the position of the father in due course. The son is playful, and not inclined to take the tradition.

There are villain groups waiting to topple the father's regime. One day, due to the negligence or non-performance of duty of the son, the father is killed. Son feels guilty and runs away or attempts to run away.
The citizens pled the son to take incharge, as they will be attacked by the enemies. Son takes in charge, destroys the enemy clan, rescues the folks who got kidnapped earlier etc etc ..
Oh, I missed the heroine. In between, the son meets the girl and falls in love. It is the heroine who gives the confidence to the hero to face the enemies and take in charge.

If the father is a lion, and the story happens in the jungle with all the wild beasts, then the title is Lion King.

If the father is a don of sharks, and the story happens deep down the ocean, we have Shark Tale. A twist in the story is to kill the brother instead of the father.

Go to a barn, let the father be a bull who protects the barn animals, we end up watching Barnyard.

At a distance galaxy, there is a father planet revolving in its solar system. This planet keeps the other objects in the system in tact and protects from harmful meteoroids (the villains). The son planet (actually a satellite of the father planet) is playful, doesn't like to take up the job of the father planet. While guarding the solar system, the father planet is bombarded by a storm of meteoroids and asteroids. It was supposed to be the turn of the son planet, but he was roaming around with his friends at the neighboring planetarium (a place where planets meet). Alas, the father planet is thrown out of the orbit into the deep abyss. The son planet thought of shifting to milkyway galaxy. His girl planet(?!) persuade him and divert his energy to fight against the evil meteoroids. Peace prevails.
This is a story of a feature movie, Planet Particles.

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