Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Compare two properties files

I had two properties files and the parameter names were almost same in those two files. I had to go through them to find difference in the values. Searching for any utility didnt get a positive result. So, implemented the following logic.

Load both the file data into a hash map

(the param will be the key; we will end up having two hash maps)

for loop into sorted keys of first map


if (key exist in second map)

(firstMap.valueof(key) == secondMap.valueof(key))


key = firstMap.valueof(key) in both maps



key differs in the maps with firstMap.valueof(key)

and secondMap.valueof(key)





key exist only in first map



for loop into sorted keys of second map


if (key not exist in first map)


key exist only in second map



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