Friday, February 01, 2008

Wrong house

When it comes to getting internet connection, I end up being at the wrong house. The ill luck started being in the midst of the city. Airtel couldnt give a broadband connection because the house I was was slightly away from their network of connections. Had to settle with a slow gprs connection.

Then faced a strange issue when moving to a second tier city. The area counseler was not allowing airtel connection into the ward where I moved in. This ended up with struggling with a substandard connection.

Now in a town, airtel is happy to provide connection to right side of the street and not to the left. Guess where my house is .. yeap, in the left side. Apart from the lefties and righties strangeness, they have provided a line to the house just in front of us (which is in left), but still not to our house. Guess they know me whichever part of the world I go.

Atleast I got other form of connections in earlier cases. But in the town, I am not able to get a landline too. The house in front of us has a landline, house to left and right has. The ground floor house has a connection but not us. They said they have exhausted all the connections!! Now I see them dig the street to find a new point to allot us.

1 comment:

swarna said...

Next time, we will make sure that we get the internet connetion first before moving into the house.