Tuesday, September 25, 2007

with the nature

Last weekend I relaxed in a jungle. A scenic place to go among the mountain region. The place is kind of cut of from the rest of the world, as it tucks itself within a valley well gaurded by hill ranges in all direction.

Our stay was quite comfortable in a small cottage. We went around for sight-seeing and spotted few rare animals including a young cheetah. Other common inhabitants to spot there were deer, bison, elephants, monkeys, peacock etc. The night safari was the height of all. A large tusker chased our vehicle! It was standing in the side of the road and when we tried crossing, it gave a thundering trumpet and a chase.

Since my friend spared his cottage there (for a reduced rent), the trip became cheaper.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

When I left the city

I had a palacial house, married to a beautiful wife, amassing wealth. However, life was boring. Somehow things became monotonous. Events that were interesting in the past started soring out. I was contemplating about moving away from this life.

Slowly the thought precipitated. Now came the dilemma. What should do with all my luxury cars, should I distribute among friends or leave them in streets? Also, the weapons .. the glorious collection, powerful ones, that saved my life many times and helped to cross scores ... do I return to the shop or can I take selected few when I am migrating?

Will I be coming back? Should I make provision to allow me to resume back to the same status where I am?

This departure somehow reminds me about death. It is so close and comparable. I guess even before I die, I am going to worry about all these artifacts the same way I am doing now.

With such silent and painful manner, I left millions of dollars with torncity and returned to normal life.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Toolkit for sale

Power Maxx Tool set of 12 pieces model.

Very handy assorted instrument to help household activities.

  • Bought : one month back
  • Condition : hardly used; as good as new
  • selling price: Rs 425 (slightly negotiable)
  • Reason of selling: Upgrading to higher end toolbox

Here is the list of items available.

  • torchlight

  • electrical tester

  • hammer

  • plier

  • measurement tape

  • adjustable spanner

  • adjustable plier

  • Thread seal tape

  • Flat screw driver

  • Star screw driver

  • knife

  • Tool kit box

More sale
Also, the following set of drivers are available for Rs 100.
Four handle of various size; each one can fit a star or flat type driver. So, we have 8 drivers for Rs 100.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Using large numbers

The numbering system has reached trillions and centillion (which is 10^303).
In India we dont follow millions & billions, instead we go for lakhs and crores. However, we are for left behind without words for larger numbers. Already politicians had crossed thousand crore scams and more. It is time to coin words.

Instead of inventing new words, we can go through the Ancient words and see if they can be re-used, just like lakhs and crores.

Here are the words from Ancient India.
10 ^ 0      eAkam
10 ^ 1      dasha
10 ^ 2      shatham
10 ^ 3      sahasram
10 ^ 4      ayutham
10 ^ 5      laksham
10 ^ 6      niyutham
10 ^ 7      koti           <- this is the crore stuff
10 ^ 8      arbudham
10 ^ 9      vrundham
10 ^ 10     karva
10 ^ 11     nikarva
10 ^ 12     shanga           <- trillion
10 ^ 13     pathrama
10 ^ 14     sAgara
10 ^ 15     anthyam        <- quadrillion
10 ^ 16     mathyam
10 ^ 17     parArdham

These numeric words are preserved in a sanskrit poem.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

story of tata broadband

The slogan I would suggest for tata broadband internet connection is, "works smooth; cancel registration upon failure".

I had observed the above functioning for the past couple of months. When there is a problem, there is limited response. The customer care reps are clueless. Repeated call to them are futile. Tickets raised go wasted.

At times, even raising tickets are blocked!! I get either busy tone or continuous ringing. Whereas in normal circumstances, the call should be directed to an automatic phone menu. I doubt that the customer care "switches off" their receiving mode when there are lots of complain.

Anyway, I got an alternate connection to the tata guys. Let us see how they both function. Hope they dont sync up to fail.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Book: The Circle of Innovation

Happen to pick this book written by Tom Peters. It is quite interesting.

Many useful tips on thinking in the direction towards new dimension, unfolds our thoughts for a better way of living. Very nice way of illustrating the danger of clinching to old ideas and the benefit of taking risk into new arena.

Thou the book is more than 10 years old, the ideas are still fresh for these days.

More than the above, the unusual fonts, random pictures, etc etc made the book easy to read.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

GA's marriage reception

GA invited us for his reception. We all planned to attend around 7pm. As per the plan, KS to pick me. He reached 40 mins after the agreed meeting time. Still then I was standing at a busy junction and admiring the natural resources of the city. KS asked me the venue and I was stareing blank. I thought he will be knowing. By then LN called for the venue. We asked him to check with RN. Seems like RN came to know about the reception only after LN called.

I came up with the idea of dialing GA's mobile. I was sure that someone else wil b holding the phone while GA is busy at the stage. My guess was correct. GA's brother answered the phone and gave us the direction.

That saved the day for all of our unplanned, unorganized friends!