Friday, October 16, 2009

group kelasa

When we think about farmland, most of us would get the picture of a landlord in pure white and white traditional dress, holding an umbrella and supervising scores of workers in the field. Gone are those good old days. Now workers had migrated towards city for better job, in whatever betterment that is.

The current landlords are different. They wear dirty khaki clothes, may be bare chested and plough in the muddy field. Farm operations are labour consuming, requires lots of man power. In order to resolve the issue, the land owners team up. They form a group of about 5 and combined effort. They usually meet once in a week, put their effort in one of their land. Round robin method is attempted.

Synergy wins.


Girish Adiga said...

I think its one cycle.. This is how it was during my grand father days.. Contrast to today's case, that time everybody was equally poor.. Then people started migrating and people who made money started paying for getting work done... now.. everyone is rich enough.. or economic conditions of people match..

Jason said...

This is a great site that you have here. I have a site myself that provides inspiration and guidance to people all around the world. I was wondering if we could exchange links to spread some traffic around.

Let me know if this is possible.
