Friday, July 13, 2007

Most beautiful

This posting is continuation of the title Human Fantasies.

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful, fairest girl in the world?" The quest to find beauty is time immemorial. Guys had different tastes. Girls tried everything possible to meet the requirement placed by the guys.
In ancient China composed a poem with a line describing the feet of a girl so small to a particular flower. For thousands of years, that became a standard. From childhood the feet of the girls are crushed to miniature size just to make sure that they are upto the beauty standard. The western world has a dynamic interest and quite seasonal. There are times when busty babes are the rage and so the girls enlarge their bosom with some kind of silicon stuff; something like the stress ball we keep at office to squeeze. At other times, flat chest, tom boyish girls are preferred. I dont know if there are operations for this. (my wife, dont ask me how I know these. You will be disappointed to know that these are not of practical knowledge, but stuff I had read).

If a garage is not suitable for any useful purpose, it is rented out for a beauty parlour. I always wanted to see what is inside. But the board with Aishwarya says only women and kids are allowed.

Alright, after meeting the most beautiful, what else but - romance!!

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